Thursday, December 31, 2009

How Easy Is To Replace Front Element Of A Lens

Chronicle of a farewell ...

Chronicle of a farewell ...

By: Fernando León Alejandro Avelar

Romans did in the wars ...

Oh, gods of Olympus, but what a disaster that beset us, these Gauls were invincible, but resisted and despite the hard fighting, the crush ! ... "Oh these Egyptians persistent and tireless ... but the beat ... but it was hard for us! " Ultimately, it is always the strongest, the winner, the empire, who decides what and how to tell the story.

The problem of classical philology in our schools is purely immersion in the texts. How intend to consult some ancient works mediocre minds if they do not know Latin and Greek? ... are totally wrong if you think stick with the translations made foolish and ill individuals low in intelligence, the translation term to term has not historically good dividend.

Although it sounds strange, I feel that things are going for good. If people are ungrateful, but hey, is the cost of knowledge and know correctly ... When you share a knowledge with others, you run the risk of being crucified and misunderstood, that's the general rule.

The context and in practice, they call the natural method. The natural method is very simple: when learning a language (maternal stylistically, but also extended to the second language) one is not lost if something is a noun, verb, if it is in the accusative or dative is the use and practice the system of the language, you are reaffirming and give confidence to the learner.

and criticize the Master of Light in full because it teaches Latin and Greek ... Both the Latin and Greek are my knowledge that I want to go ... But now I will rest the brain, this is my recipe ... Definitely would be a mistake to fall into inaction or panoramic agglutination.

us look rather "time", not even stupidly is saturated with the fetid humanistic outlook. I confess that the coming months will be very intense and full of curiosities performative ...

maintain order should be the rationale, the rationale for this reason is the future itself and inspiration for action. To the extent that being happy is to recognize that it is worth living life, despite all the challenges, misunderstandings and periods of crisis.

I fight, I do things right. How to love when there is no reason, how to hate if not I have it? ... In that case it remains for me more than indifference.

When a man must do something no human power to stop it, " generate errors if mistakes ... successes beget hits." People criticize the selfishness ... But deep down, we all have some selfish and that is incontestable.

Sometimes life takes a general restructuring, realignment and guidance to tell us what way to go. Leaving a time capsule you feel stupid, like a rookie, it's like when a prisoner serves his sentence ... That leaves many questions in the air: what, how, where will you?, When? ... End and means! ... Pure Cartesian rationality and recurring in my head.

nights My book is in decline, self-governing in a while, and rebels against me, will give him a slow and painful death ... Tomorrow I'll miss in a cloud of incense as a libation to the gods for his tragic death night. Dies and I die a little, because it's part of me. Live and live with him because it is only dies forgotten.

One day, I heard a cry of an eagle, I figured it was the legendary phoenix rising from the ashes, but no! was an eagle and an eagle had to be: p
otente and majestic. The sound lasted for some time: days?, Years? ... Just seconds in my memory, perhaps? One day maybe that harmony again ... I know that may have been seconds, milliseconds if you like ... But time froze at the loneliness of the inhospitable environment and consistent with the society which confuses the senses.

I devote a few minutes on the exercise of the translation ... Then maybe, hours of writing, the dialogue with the Muses and if maybe there is no light sleep. Because it is only now about to dawn, now more than ever!

Tomorrow, maybe for the evening, has already heard the song of the lark and new designs of the deities.

What the daylight shine on your life and sharing with the stars at night will motivate them to believe in the beauty of the ideals of its existence!

The person responsible that I started is gone, she left long ago but it is always on me ... I spent all night repeating the same song ... We spent serious things ... Very serious and painful, but at least I am convinced that no one can take what we learned.

Somehow lost chronicles would to say goodbye, but goodbye, I know it sounds weird ... At night I can feel its warmth. Your sweet magic makes me lose my mind and my dreams that one day I ran away to hide from the right.

After all, every day we are discovering, is not it? ... Maybe?

Perhaps! ... Maybe I take it as something very personal. Maybe the spirits are mediocre and just give me a little sad ... Just

in life you meet people from all Calañas and sometimes think that everybody around you is wrong and it's like when you're running in a dream ... Trying to escape something or someone, without direction or direction, run and escape ...

But I suddenly wake up because you were late or something and you stay all day thinking about what had happened in the dream if it had continued. I disconnected, I read and see, yes, it's like when you're running in a dream ... a dream Corres struggles for what you want.

The writer can be certain luxuries ... But it can not prevent the reader to read between the lines. That depends on the ability of interpretation of each person ... Someday I will write ... When a memory and can not injure anyone.

And they say that Horace was a plump, which stated that no matter be crippled, blind, lame and horrible ... But the muse, had to be thin!

and splinter on the road was a danger, something like suicide.

Seriously, the kind that had ripped through the thick muse ... That's the muse has been the subject of discussion among the ancients. Even the great authors passed through these 'pseudoseizures' and then surprised everyone with a masterpiece for posterity with his talent that found its raison d'être ... Perhaps it was only necessary to return to their origins.

The truth is that there are times and ways of saying things. Should be kept with pride the scars of the past, worthy trophies of past glory and freedom gained with tears of blood.

... Save all those experiences as a badge of yesteryear. Experiences

worthy of the highest human spirit smith high thought and reason.

Leave the idea until it comes out in a manner intelligible and beautiful. A laboratory of ideas ... A space for thought.

is through the weakness that we state the Masters, a personal victory and strength. All writing is important, even the weak, because they are renewing us, learn from failures and mistakes and uplift others, even those that shine with light. Because it strengthens the breath of the weak ...

accurately reflect what was at that time ... Transition ... build the road, but get it right ... for each full circle there are other ways that open.

Surely if I go to hell I do not think I have time to tell the adventures and excursions to all my acquaintances. Perhaps that is the punishment, tell the story for all eternity ... Do whatever you have to do the duty takes precedence above all else.

For many it is a matter of knowing how to handle the pace of the match and adapt, others say it's all a matter of serious work and good decisions. The case is to be removed by any means small obstacles, because eventually become big problems, maintain the vision and know the rules to play with them.

I believe Latin and Greek far from being a burden has been a fortress, a sort of a protective shield and help ... also included in the algorithm the game of alliances and strategies, yes, all that was fundamental ... A system of uses and gratifications.

I can only say that there is still so much to fight, I hear a group of friends that says go, go, go, do not waste your destination! We must seize the time, we are here today and tomorrow ... Do not know!

feel that October was the month of release. While November was a pretty dangerous combination of methodology and technique. A play: A play with them and against them!

Sometimes success is knowing also be stupid, ie: " be stupid is a science." Sometimes the target becomes an obligation, a personal challenge, not a hypothesis, that is when we take all the enthusiasm for the long term stability we all seek.

But to maintain the order you have to throw forward, stay the course. I confess I am somewhat baroque and I like to create neologisms, before I forget, being local is favorable and there are teams that always play local.

Clean Slate. Attaining peace interior. Keep a cool head, concentration and calm .... Although not want to live immersed in a world of bureaucratic nonsense.

Cornering the enemy to suffocate and leave exhausted, until you lose the tiniest breath. Obviously we must also recognize the ideal time to kick the board ... but that's not so difficult to wire.

There must always be space for internal dialogue and reflection. We must do what they do and do well. Steady pace and practice, there is no secret ...

Meerkat Paradise closes here. Perhaps to make room for something better. After all I always maintained that to me, the idea of a blog was primarily to be able to experiment with ideas, playing with words and build tomorrow. I hope that someone will find something useful in it. Personally I found a connection to past and drainage, may be a letter in the future, maybe there are people who speak ill, but is primarily a way of knowing that we are alive and are able to do everything we propose. Without more, simply because of who read and not, too.

Sincerely, your friend

Fernando Avelar Alejandro León.

"speak through my race spirit"
-José Vasconcelos
Last edited: Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Chronicle of a farewell ... (perhaps to close a blog)
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @


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