Stages of university research
By: Fernando León Alejandro Avelar
All research involves the pursuit of a certain knowledge, which is acquired in stages.
Understanding these stages allows me to understand three points of the route similar to that of a cyclist.
- Where do I start?
- How to proceed?
- How to complete successfully?
addition to his experience as a teacher supervisor, the author applies the first two rules in the review. Here briefly set out the four rules of Cartesian methodology.
1) Rule of evidence, of the doubt.
Nothing is obvious (from here comes the concept of methodical doubt, call also skeptical doubt.)
2) Rule of the division.
The division into as many parts as necessary or required. The principle is to divide each problem into smaller units to facilitate their proper development.
3) Regulation of synthesis or order.
driving in order and in summary form in order to go to point (it comes to selecting the true-or useful-from false-or irrelevant-). This rule is also an order and continuity of ideas for many is to have the essence of each source, as a kind of summary.
4) Rule of the review.
is to overhaul many dismemberment and so we are sure that we do not forget to mention anything. Here
include the issue of final checks: one must consider several readers for the job, a first type of generalísimos readers who may not familiar with the field of study, but can draw on the drafting aspects. Another type of readers who know the research field and could indicate a possible contradiction, another type of reader who would rather philological and style, a final revision of the author for themselves to reach the final readers (director and jury).
stages of university research.
stages of university research are at least 20 as discussed below, depending on the author, or area of study may suggest more or less, as appropriate:
1) Election of the topic.
are advised to choose a working title. For this step is necessary after a little research. In general, it should be something that really fills us with what we identify, down with a very good if we cause some repulsion.
For the title is recommended that this be given in 2 parts, one general and one specific to work as a subtitle. Example:
"Process unit, second oxidation in winemaking"
As you can see, the first part describes and locates us in general terms the field of study and the second specifies a bit more content specific to be studied.
2) Tentative Plan of the investigation.
"If it were possible, a basic schedule
In general this part is a kind of "brainstorm" or "brainstorming." Suffice it to say that nothing is exempt from change, so flexibility is required for all parts of the investigation.
More than anything, this indicates the development of a plan that if we are investigating something happened to one of the highlights of the plan at the beginning can not develop or be delayed, the investigation must continue and adapt to new conditions given.
3) Establishment of a file.
tabbed work is very relevant, the same is stated:
The work consulted, newspaper article, magazine article, internet article, audiovisual materials, information from interviews ... among others.
The chips are like a database developed by ourselves, which are arranged in alphabetical order.
In the case of books, containing the following information:
-place (referring to the city, not the country, such as Paris and not France)
- Release Date
Some authors recommend see the indexes to guide us on the possible content of a book that might be useful (for reasons of time, even if we wanted to sometimes surreal to think we're going to read through all the books of a certain subject ), plus you can summarize the contents of a chapter, or key ideas sheets and have it compiled for all that is required later.
For Internet articles, the aim is always to be serious sources for the information format is:
-date query (if the page was modified)
4) stage of consultation.
The research focuses on who, what, how, where, when ... English is what is known as the "w" questions. " This point depends on the type of research being conducted.
5) First Draft (or first treatment).
is a verification of the data studied so far: books, magazines, audiovisual, Internet.
6) Plan of research / research project
-provisional title and name (of) researcher (a)
title / author on one page to the center ... it is recommended that since the first draft will be giving the format as if they were version end, ie as close to the final
-index / staging table
-Delimitation of the subject and object of study (The more delimited will be more scientific as Bachelard in "Le nouvel esprit scientifique" => Something like the new spirit of science)
-Importance and justification
issue -Hypothesis (general idea, an assumption, as Umberto Eco, this is optional and not all areas can work)
-Objectives: Primary and secondary
each child object corresponds to a chapter we will develop. Also a common mistake in the drafting of objectives is to place several infinitives in writing, not the right approach is one goal, one infinitive verbs-see list of target-attached-
-Outline of the topic: what to study the problem?
UNAM => I, II, III (sample chapters are listed in capital letters and Roman numerals)
-theoretical framework, records, methods of analysis.
In English books working as a theoretical framework or frame of reference, some books incorrectly used as if it were synonymous with the "conceptual framework" (which is really just a list of concepts or definitions that are associated with our research) or worse still a pseudo-modernist monster that some have called "conceptual framework" ... a framework or a theoretical or a conceptual, but even in schools there is some friction at that point, it is best to define it with the tutor.
Speaking of the method of analysis refers for example to the scientific method, the psychoanalytic method or another .... That is, the type of analysis that we do should be clear from the outset and will depend on our study area.
-Calendar operations
The recommendation is to always go from theory to practice. It is recommended to have at hand a manual research and proceed as follows:
a) Read several chapters of the manual sometimes
b) Write each one of the project
c) Submit the draft to the tutor or supervisor
d) Restart again and again to write and edit all the comments made by the tutor.
Umberto Eco, proposes to make an argument that the ideal is to work as a model of layers (like an onion). The outermost layer is the whole thematic reference, the middle layer is the central processing and text on the subject that will ultimately be our support.
Wherever possible you should consult the works of Vico, and Barthes Bakhtime research. While our libraries are filled with treatises on the subject that are no less important than those of these authors are considered "classic."
7) Reading and analysis of data.
It's perfect what worked in stage 5 and 6. This raises what is known as the "State of the art ', this is simply what has been written, how and when it was written, why, by whom and under what conditions and said as far as possible to establish what is to differentiate what we're going to do what was done.
8) Field Research.
Surveys, interviews, participation, privileged people / witnesses, questionnaires, etc. (especially for social sciences).
One might be enough to search for documents, ie the analysis of texts on a subject, depending on the domain or field of study on which we work.
9) Analysis.
Analysis reading summaries, surveys, and selection of materials.
10) Plan drafting.
join These stages (stages 2 + 6) for a research plan final.
11) Writing or first delivery
From 1 / 3 of the total work corrected stage 6
12) Writing or second delivery
of 2 / 3 of the total work Stage 6
13) Writing or final delivery
the total of working with end stage 6
General recommendations for stages 11, 12 and 13
- Do not submit anything draft, to pretend that it is the end.
-All submissions must be done properly, with form a definitive work
14) Correction of the first final text
Review abbreviations are from Latin and are widely used in this type of text, type supralittoral, et, p, pp, IBDI) .
Always seek clarity and coherence of ideas.
15) Print the final text
16) Delivery of the text the court
17) Wait
18) Consideration of the readers (the jury)
19) New expected, defense preparation
20) Defense public
Briefly could make a summary of the 20 stages in 4 steps
1) Search and verification of documents for consultation.
2) field work, reading and analysis of documents
3) Analysis of the data, survey results and selection
4) Writing in stages, editing and delivery of final work. Conclusions
1) There is no method of research
2) The investigation is a process and every process is done in time and in stages.
3) No research stems from the blue: literature, experiences ...
4) It is necessary to establish a priority order and
5) The research is a noble activity that practice becomes a source of pleasure or satisfaction
Some verbs for formulating goals
* Define
* Repeat * Register
* Name
* Underline * List
* Relate
* Announce * Mark
* Select
* Locate * recite
* * Shaping
* Choose
* Support * Share
* Act * Assumes
* Explain
* Solve * Handle
* Translate * Rethinking
* Discuss * Recognize
* Explain
* Express * Describe
* Identify * Place
* Report
* Check
* Relate
* Summarize
* Complete * Interpret
* Read * Illustrate
* Resist * Propose
* Act * OK
* Research Application
* Apply * Interpret
* Use * Use
* * Dramatize
* Practice * Operating
* Planning * Design
* Determine
* Change
* Measure
* Develop
* Use
* Make
* Transfer * Modify
* Introduce
* Anticipated
* Predict * Solve
Analysis Analyze
* Distinguish
* Calculate
* experience
* Test * Compare
* Contrast Criticize
* * Diagramming
* Inspect
* Discuss
* Solve
* Browse * Categorize
* Recognize
* Claiming * OK
* Require
* Select
* * Launch
Synthesis Synthesize
* * Compose
* Planning *
* Order
* Join * Collecting
* Build * Create
* Organize
* Manage * Prepare
* Sort * Reorganize
* Rebuild * Count
* Relate * Produce
* Outline
* Deduct
* Write * Reply
Evaluation * Assess
* Judging * Enhance
* Order
* Compare
* Rate * Check
* Assign
* Estimate * Measure
* Basing
* Discriminate
* Choose
* Decide * Consider
* Justify
* Criminalize
* Appreciate
* Avoid
* Set * Check
Other rolls around I have written and could be useful % C3% A1ctica ______________
Last edited: Sunday November 15, 2009
Stages of university research
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando .
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