Thursday, December 31, 2009

How Easy Is To Replace Front Element Of A Lens

Chronicle of a farewell ...

Chronicle of a farewell ...

By: Fernando León Alejandro Avelar

Romans did in the wars ...

Oh, gods of Olympus, but what a disaster that beset us, these Gauls were invincible, but resisted and despite the hard fighting, the crush ! ... "Oh these Egyptians persistent and tireless ... but the beat ... but it was hard for us! " Ultimately, it is always the strongest, the winner, the empire, who decides what and how to tell the story.

The problem of classical philology in our schools is purely immersion in the texts. How intend to consult some ancient works mediocre minds if they do not know Latin and Greek? ... are totally wrong if you think stick with the translations made foolish and ill individuals low in intelligence, the translation term to term has not historically good dividend.

Although it sounds strange, I feel that things are going for good. If people are ungrateful, but hey, is the cost of knowledge and know correctly ... When you share a knowledge with others, you run the risk of being crucified and misunderstood, that's the general rule.

The context and in practice, they call the natural method. The natural method is very simple: when learning a language (maternal stylistically, but also extended to the second language) one is not lost if something is a noun, verb, if it is in the accusative or dative is the use and practice the system of the language, you are reaffirming and give confidence to the learner.

and criticize the Master of Light in full because it teaches Latin and Greek ... Both the Latin and Greek are my knowledge that I want to go ... But now I will rest the brain, this is my recipe ... Definitely would be a mistake to fall into inaction or panoramic agglutination.

us look rather "time", not even stupidly is saturated with the fetid humanistic outlook. I confess that the coming months will be very intense and full of curiosities performative ...

maintain order should be the rationale, the rationale for this reason is the future itself and inspiration for action. To the extent that being happy is to recognize that it is worth living life, despite all the challenges, misunderstandings and periods of crisis.

I fight, I do things right. How to love when there is no reason, how to hate if not I have it? ... In that case it remains for me more than indifference.

When a man must do something no human power to stop it, " generate errors if mistakes ... successes beget hits." People criticize the selfishness ... But deep down, we all have some selfish and that is incontestable.

Sometimes life takes a general restructuring, realignment and guidance to tell us what way to go. Leaving a time capsule you feel stupid, like a rookie, it's like when a prisoner serves his sentence ... That leaves many questions in the air: what, how, where will you?, When? ... End and means! ... Pure Cartesian rationality and recurring in my head.

nights My book is in decline, self-governing in a while, and rebels against me, will give him a slow and painful death ... Tomorrow I'll miss in a cloud of incense as a libation to the gods for his tragic death night. Dies and I die a little, because it's part of me. Live and live with him because it is only dies forgotten.

One day, I heard a cry of an eagle, I figured it was the legendary phoenix rising from the ashes, but no! was an eagle and an eagle had to be: p
otente and majestic. The sound lasted for some time: days?, Years? ... Just seconds in my memory, perhaps? One day maybe that harmony again ... I know that may have been seconds, milliseconds if you like ... But time froze at the loneliness of the inhospitable environment and consistent with the society which confuses the senses.

I devote a few minutes on the exercise of the translation ... Then maybe, hours of writing, the dialogue with the Muses and if maybe there is no light sleep. Because it is only now about to dawn, now more than ever!

Tomorrow, maybe for the evening, has already heard the song of the lark and new designs of the deities.

What the daylight shine on your life and sharing with the stars at night will motivate them to believe in the beauty of the ideals of its existence!

The person responsible that I started is gone, she left long ago but it is always on me ... I spent all night repeating the same song ... We spent serious things ... Very serious and painful, but at least I am convinced that no one can take what we learned.

Somehow lost chronicles would to say goodbye, but goodbye, I know it sounds weird ... At night I can feel its warmth. Your sweet magic makes me lose my mind and my dreams that one day I ran away to hide from the right.

After all, every day we are discovering, is not it? ... Maybe?

Perhaps! ... Maybe I take it as something very personal. Maybe the spirits are mediocre and just give me a little sad ... Just

in life you meet people from all Calañas and sometimes think that everybody around you is wrong and it's like when you're running in a dream ... Trying to escape something or someone, without direction or direction, run and escape ...

But I suddenly wake up because you were late or something and you stay all day thinking about what had happened in the dream if it had continued. I disconnected, I read and see, yes, it's like when you're running in a dream ... a dream Corres struggles for what you want.

The writer can be certain luxuries ... But it can not prevent the reader to read between the lines. That depends on the ability of interpretation of each person ... Someday I will write ... When a memory and can not injure anyone.

And they say that Horace was a plump, which stated that no matter be crippled, blind, lame and horrible ... But the muse, had to be thin!

and splinter on the road was a danger, something like suicide.

Seriously, the kind that had ripped through the thick muse ... That's the muse has been the subject of discussion among the ancients. Even the great authors passed through these 'pseudoseizures' and then surprised everyone with a masterpiece for posterity with his talent that found its raison d'être ... Perhaps it was only necessary to return to their origins.

The truth is that there are times and ways of saying things. Should be kept with pride the scars of the past, worthy trophies of past glory and freedom gained with tears of blood.

... Save all those experiences as a badge of yesteryear. Experiences

worthy of the highest human spirit smith high thought and reason.

Leave the idea until it comes out in a manner intelligible and beautiful. A laboratory of ideas ... A space for thought.

is through the weakness that we state the Masters, a personal victory and strength. All writing is important, even the weak, because they are renewing us, learn from failures and mistakes and uplift others, even those that shine with light. Because it strengthens the breath of the weak ...

accurately reflect what was at that time ... Transition ... build the road, but get it right ... for each full circle there are other ways that open.

Surely if I go to hell I do not think I have time to tell the adventures and excursions to all my acquaintances. Perhaps that is the punishment, tell the story for all eternity ... Do whatever you have to do the duty takes precedence above all else.

For many it is a matter of knowing how to handle the pace of the match and adapt, others say it's all a matter of serious work and good decisions. The case is to be removed by any means small obstacles, because eventually become big problems, maintain the vision and know the rules to play with them.

I believe Latin and Greek far from being a burden has been a fortress, a sort of a protective shield and help ... also included in the algorithm the game of alliances and strategies, yes, all that was fundamental ... A system of uses and gratifications.

I can only say that there is still so much to fight, I hear a group of friends that says go, go, go, do not waste your destination! We must seize the time, we are here today and tomorrow ... Do not know!

feel that October was the month of release. While November was a pretty dangerous combination of methodology and technique. A play: A play with them and against them!

Sometimes success is knowing also be stupid, ie: " be stupid is a science." Sometimes the target becomes an obligation, a personal challenge, not a hypothesis, that is when we take all the enthusiasm for the long term stability we all seek.

But to maintain the order you have to throw forward, stay the course. I confess I am somewhat baroque and I like to create neologisms, before I forget, being local is favorable and there are teams that always play local.

Clean Slate. Attaining peace interior. Keep a cool head, concentration and calm .... Although not want to live immersed in a world of bureaucratic nonsense.

Cornering the enemy to suffocate and leave exhausted, until you lose the tiniest breath. Obviously we must also recognize the ideal time to kick the board ... but that's not so difficult to wire.

There must always be space for internal dialogue and reflection. We must do what they do and do well. Steady pace and practice, there is no secret ...

Meerkat Paradise closes here. Perhaps to make room for something better. After all I always maintained that to me, the idea of a blog was primarily to be able to experiment with ideas, playing with words and build tomorrow. I hope that someone will find something useful in it. Personally I found a connection to past and drainage, may be a letter in the future, maybe there are people who speak ill, but is primarily a way of knowing that we are alive and are able to do everything we propose. Without more, simply because of who read and not, too.

Sincerely, your friend

Fernando Avelar Alejandro León.

"speak through my race spirit"
-José Vasconcelos
Last edited: Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Chronicle of a farewell ... (perhaps to close a blog)
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Fleece Tie Scarf No Sew

The Miraculous Medal Our Lady of Luján

Para todas las hermosas damiselas, son la música de nuestra cotidianeidad y de nuestros corazones guerreros:

Hermana de Apolo, hija de Júpiter, ven diosa múltiple.

Montium custos, memorumque virgo,
quae laborantes utero puellas
ter vocata audis adimisque leto,
diva triformis,
imminens villae tua pinus esto,
quam per exactos ego laetus annos
verris obliquum meditantis ictum
sanguine doneum

Montes custodios, bosques y virgen que eres invoked three times by girls who work with the uterus, listening to: death, deity triform, stripped of this imminent danger to the house, that is, your pine, to which so many years I used to meditate and that as a happy boar, give it a glancing blow to sacrifice yours. Horacio was

everyday, although direct reading as recurrent hyperbaton, I can feel a force between the words.
triform The goddess is Diana, who was considered multiple: it was the young, mature and old respectively, the iconography associated with Diana are the arrow, the bow and the bard for each of its phases.
Diana is also the symbol of the moon mutations that are associated, may indeed speak of phases. Horacio

With elegance proposes that a pine (tree par excellence of Diana) is about to fall on his country house ... Then, with a brief prayer, he asks the goddess to deflect the tree and also the split in the opposite direction to the house because it is a danger to himself and his interests.

funny thing is as opposed as tree boar (boar actually corresponds to castrate a pig without a stallion)-since it can make, literally, a gilt- to meditate under the tree makes and has made for years in the playground. Suffice it to say then As an aside, it is not home, but their resting place in the mountains ... Then Horacio should make a kind of praise - weight- benefits: either to leave the tree and continues to enjoy a place to rest with the danger that this falls on the head, or rely on Diana to free him from that danger.

One of these days I'll make a poem to the gods so that no water was a cup of coffee on the laptop after all, the coffee cup also represents an imminent danger to my interests ... always a risk, that is doubt!

________________ Last edited: Thursday October 28, 2010
The Miraculous Medal
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Dog Just Ate A Feminin Napkin

Français-Victor Hugo

Demain, dès l'aube ...

Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne, Je
partirai. Vois-tu, je sais your m'attends
J'irai par la forêt, par la montagne J'irai
I can not stay away from you any longer.

I walk with eyes fixed on my thoughts,
Seeing nothing outside, without hearing any noise,
Alone, unknown, back bent, hands crossed,
Sad, and the day for me will be like night.

I will not look at the golden evening falls,
Neither distant sails going down towards Harfleur
And when I arrive, I'll put on your grave
A bouquet of green holly and heather in bloom.

********************************************** ****
English-Victor Hugo

Tomorrow at dawn ...
Tomorrow, at dawn, at the time the field is bleached
I go. You see, I know I expect I'll
the woods, I'll go down the mountain
I can not stay away from you any longer.

walk with eyes fixed on my thoughts,
not see anything from outside, without hearing any noise,
solitary, unknown, curved back, hands clasped,
sad, and day for me is like night.

or not to see gold falling pm
Ni candles far down towards Harfleur
and when you arrive, put in your grave
a bouquet of fresh holly and flowered heather. **********************************************

Be like water flowing meek and indifferent.
Everything goes by itself.
If water is cloudy, leave it still,
herself and gradually acquire transparency.
When vuestra mente esté perturbada e inquieta,
dejad actuar al tiempo, y el reposo
se producirá lentamente.
Lao -Tse
Perfecti signum quae solet esse tori.
Ceu pisces hamo, sic vitta coercet ephebos:
Solvere quam nemo lege vetante potest.
Última edición: jueves 28 de octubre del 2010
Nuestra Señora de Luján
Fernando Alejandro León Avelar
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @

Monday, December 28, 2009

Ge Spacemaker 75290 Manual

Our Lady of Mercy

Reflections pseudohelénicas

Leisure is serious business among the old masters:
"beatus ille qui Procula negotiis"-Horacio / / "Blessed is he who stays away from the denials of leisure"
"deus nobis fecit HAEC Otia"-Virgil / / "a god [the Emperor Augustus] has made this leisure for us" (thanks for the Aeneid)

"Episteme" is not necessarily science ... Epistemic work for example is when this knowledge is in itself sustainable capacity and is able to avoid dropping something is a something that allows for a something that also keeps things in place. Read

is basically a "reread" ... to Borges, the academic totalitarianism represents a plot to essentials, the depth is more valuable ... to such a degree that few people are able to really get to read between lines.
These days
reviene reading to me the essence of the labyrinth and the book of sand ...
the maze does not respond the law of the right hand, would in any case, a live mobile labyrinth that only a magic thread could show the output.

In the case of the Book of Sand, in the passages show us incredible, but to turn the page could never return to the same letter, but go back to what we believe, we have seen, what we found is totally a new page ... It is worth noting, would have to pay attention to every detail to show us the current page, in that sense to make a true reading, as any possibility of returning to it is reduced to an impossibility.

order to complete their etymologies and the ancient world for today ... Let's go to "philosophers "
the Greek root evoke the maker of things ... Humanists have insisted assholes translated as "wisdom " this root, let it in " be entertained something."

I can feel your heat at night
Your sweet magic completely seduced me
There is no reason that no songs worth living
escaped and left me incomplete.

________________ Last edited: Thursday October 28, 2010
Our Lady of Mercy
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cool Online Invitations

Poem goodbye and farewell tasteless

Poem goodbye and farewell tasteless

By: Fernando León Alejandro Avelar

The king will mourn, the prince

regret and pain hands
and surprise fall
on the people.

A garden of yellow flowers ...
Small and very large
yellow, brown and yellow.
Sometimes, as the smile of the sun.
as music sometimes lonely mountain.
Life, death and myself
three waiting game.
is not a stupid game.
is not a game to die with laughter.
game is a bit sad,
because they are evil
country and sadness,
almost as a way to say goodbye,
a way to forget all
and not sing anymore.

Last edited: Thursday October 28, 2010 Poem
farewell goodbye and tasteless.
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @

Letter For A Baby Shower

Our Lady of Hope Our Lady

Y dale oh and dale dale oh!

not have accepted it psychologically ... several have changed course and senseless people are taken for granted that all the lambs will continue as usual, which suited them ... Now I laugh at the committing bullshit because not affect me.

Reality dictates that this moment is sad, half-melancholy flavor, taste half nostalgia. But on with the barricades! Horacio

was not a moralist ... And according to Heidegger the translation involves no philological activity, rather the thought in its highest expression.

So the bogeyman of the grammarians is hyperbaton ... In those times when you must take the beam for the tip, that is the essence of clinamen. That is the essence of all destructive.

The myth of grammar as the teacher has two main components, is based on chained Prometheus to the Caucasus from a first side, the second side of the dictionary fucking life as Zeus' eagle that feeds diurnally liver constantly renewed. ..

And that's the certain knowledge induced disease or behavioral ... Therein lies well in the damn hobby panepistemio, this bizarre thing of all, the point where the principle universus the universitas and the van then bound to that ghost totalitarian sick. Certain

houses of education, beyond being a college town are a monocle gongoriano, allegorical metaphor of petrification and thought rotten.

latinazos Beyond flavored secularism, a Aspicio Lucem should bring awareness of this knowledge that leads to light and is understood to such an extent that could be damaged if to do so, but if on the eve is subtracted out all day in the dissimilation of myth and metaphor master continuata gongoriana.

For those who have to work very early πόνος (ponos) which is where meaning comes from work and punishment ... and in Latin, for example there is tripaleare, which was a kind of torture (three-poles) under the sticks, out came the job. Certain

assholes humanists believe that the etymologies are useless ... Fallacies! ... Feacios unruly. Otium Schole and kept the same essence ... At what point the issue out of hand? ... Renaissance humanists fools!

And they blind worshiping inept Cicero all because he defended a poet fourth idiot arguing that "the verses he served it to relax after work."

Finally, we must do Ovid and feign modesty ... Because humanism and reached levels of bureaucracy parasitism and exorbitant ... Of time sufficient to scrub the essence of the words to all those who deny gramaticólogos disorder hyperbaton tax, since they are incapable of understanding.

________________ Last edited: Thursday October 28, 2010.
Our Lady of Hope Fernando
Alejandro León Avelar
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Brazilian Wax Costume


By: Fernando León Alejandro Avelar

"Goals? o wish?
"Goals? and "Wishes?
Goals! or Wishes!
Goals! and Wishes!
Just goals?
Yes, Wishes!
What goals?
We'll see ... We'll see!
Last edited: Thursday October 28, 2010 Evolution

Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @

Estimate Cooking Oil Temperature

Evolution of peoples

Paradise Lost and the rotten apple of yesterday with the morning paper.

count the damage. Well
say and say and do not ignore it, time is no longer yearns wise ... rather fly, without stopping and between storms take out the forces.

Every night, a thousand thoughts, between proverbs and a thousand reunions. The sword above Damocles is a tyrant and his talent shows.

thousand adventures and debauchery, faithful witnesses and carefully ... The story is not an exaggeration, be sure that you do not lie.

is the bard, true to the story, hero shows without stopping.
The muse comes to the gathering, the night is long and wolf howls.

The story of shipwreck, not the grand Ulysses to Penelope who tender expected, but the modern troubadour who thought the moon, the moon mad, sad and lonely moon ... They

muses that she hoped her undying love and spent days and spent hours, perhaps centuries, millennia ... But what I say!, If all were second! A thousand battles

energetic, boldly fought his hand. Against ghosts, scoundrels against one by one, ten battalions.

His sword shines, bloody ... And by leaving the battlefield the moon shines with complacency and a choir de estrellas espera al ritual entre gaitas con mil flores un círculo forman y cantan a los amores...

Dicen que dicen y esa es la historia, del caballero de negro.

Sangra mi esencia y el rocío de mis púrpuras lágrimas se vuelve influjo imperioso mientras alimenta al tiempo.

No me molestan las heridas, pues hace mucho he dejado de sentir. No me humillará lo que no me supera, la esencia no viaja en barriles, el perfume sí.

Sólo espero tu mofa, tu desprecio y tu ira: maldita galga, zángana y ruin arpía.

Sereno aguardo entonces la muerte y el descanso del alma mía ahora todo tiene sentido.

¡Heiddeger hablaría de pendejos Conservatives!

is more easy to dismiss what is not understood. Treat under the global
How many courses and methodologies do not fit the picture?

(bread + ROWA) => panorama. See everything. As Argos with his hundred eyes. We must be like Hermes, beheaded this aberration ...

The god rid of the picture, the picture is then the ghost of all, or if you want, disregard for the texts.

In fact, hermeneutics Hermes leaves, good performance is sponsored by a god and that has nothing to do with the picture.

Interpretation => mythical references (a) see => pretium.

I do not know what is the eagerness to swallow everything ... The full force of indifference on the text "pseudo-religious belief? ... aristocrat inspiration ... and there are still idiots who claim that the myths do not explain anything, wayward, conservative assholes.

La quatrième zahúnda the plop ... quel horreur! one day I will expose that theory ... Today, while no more views, better keep quiet, because that ' say' is better than anything you can say. **********************************************


Being clear the cloud turns black sometimes being clean wind sometimes stops flowing More than just clean water and fluid. Built

The flower is born and withers easily, suddenly blue grass is yellow and the stone remains. Pino

With the summer and winter blooms fall. Pine does not know about snow or frost. We only know about the writing of the root that goes to Hell. Bamboo

tree or grass is not Who would envy the rightness of your vacuum? Here's a taste of the fourth station on the greenery. Luna

're small and light to fly all creation. At dusk are the only illumination.

And you my friend for your own silent contemplation.
Sondo -Yun (Korean poet). ________________

Last edited: Thursday October 28, 2010
Our Lady of peoples
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando .

Friday, December 25, 2009

Cancer Survivor Tatoos

A poem pour dire adieu et an au revoir un peu fade

A poem to say goodbye and a goodbye a little bland

By: Fernando León Alejandro Avelar

King cry,
the prince will sorry
and hands fall
people of
pain and astonishment.

A garden of yellow flowers ...
Small and huge
yellow, brown and yellow.
Sometimes, like the smile of the sun.
Sometimes like music lonely mountain.
Life, death and I
all three in the game until
This is not a game of bullshit ...
This is not to choke laughing.
is a game a little sad. Since
feels the blues.
And sorrow stinks.
Just as a way of saying goodbye.
One way to forget everything.
To stop singing.

Última edición: jueves 28 of October 2010
A poem pour dire adieu au revoir et a un peu fade
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @ cr

Thursday, December 24, 2009

What Is A Urinary Tract Infection Brown Spotting


Canto a full moon

By: Fernando León Alejandro Avelar

It's not antisocial, just keep my distance.
Not that I want, is to avoid it.
it has not withered, was that ripped.
It's not black and white, is losing his color.
do not mean to keep quiet, you do not find the words.
Not that I go, I just walk away.
not die, you do not feel.
not write it, is that I think.
Not that the years pass, it goes away over time.
not that they are words, which permeating and penetrating dagger in the back.
is not that far, is that it requires space.
Not that I sing is that I announce loudly.
's not that people forget is that most still remember away.
's not that I dislike is that I value my freedom.
Not that I run, is accelerated.
Not that I feel, is that the callus.
Not that I see is that I do stupid ...

Last edited: Thursday October 28, 2010
Song of the full moon
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: @ fernando.leonavelar

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How Long Does Does It Take Opalescence To Expire

the full moon I'll do what you have to do ... Comments

I'll do whatever you can do ...

By: Fernando León Alejandro Avelar

" should not fear the shadows, only suggest that somewhere near light shine." Firmness and strength ... Music to my ears. The wind carries in her womb. Wind is air and life is the soul. The moon is the mother, below is as above.

If the sun is the father where are the meditation, the birth and adaptation?

Father sun, lead us down the path of honorable toil and rejoice the hearts of those who still believe in the greatness of their own ideals. Mother moon, cover us with Thy light and Thy canopy of stars. That dream is firm and the action is a blunt force. Wind, which feed the golden ears ... In your belly support the actions; earth mother, you get the seed, trustee of prosperity: "do what you have to do."

And in this, the daughters of Erebus cut me the idea ... took the thread, took out their guitars and caught the attention with his role as mariachis: ♪ Evoè, Evoè, Evoè ... ♫ Evoè

Interpreter of the gods
whom you inspire the spirit of Apollo,
tripods and
laurels Claros, you who read what
future in the stars and singing and fast
flight birds, answer me ...
What dangers I have since then be evaluated?
What must I do to succeed in so many tests?
Last edited: Thursday October 28, 2010
I'll do what you have to do ...
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Towel Colors For Small Brown Bathroom


Comments moral flavored

For Fernando León Alejandro Avelar

Sometimes I think the daily finance have created a series of euphemisms and nuance to investment costs, the crisis with periods of difficult economic disaster by closing down and the decrease in exports ... That is a matter of perception, in my opinion is the boundary between the subjective and farandulería ...

"Quantum mechanics is very impressive, but I am convinced that God does not play dice"

"We would do rely entirely on those who have deceived us once, "

" Friend is not only forgives a mistake, but who helps to prevent re-commit "

Appraisal of rising costs, opportunity costs assessment ...

Last edited: Thursday, December 28, 2010 Comments
moral flavored
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: @ fernando.leonavelar

Monday, December 21, 2009

Corelle New Bread Plates


Gift my dear friend: Miguel Piedra, Mexico City.


By: Fernando León Alejandro Avelar

I have been accused of vulgarity and rudeness:

In my eyes, the tragi-comic scene of nostalgia in opposition to the scene of the ingratitude ... Ohh, but what I will not remember the comrades of war? ... So much time supporting their own knives in the meat! ... They will certainly unforgettable for me!

First, I must be faithful to what I think: do not expect from me the little scene of great friends of yesteryear accompanied by fake tears and cheap talk ... I prefer to be listed as an ogre, a hermit or even a antisocial ... I do not care. The fact is that even bother to dig false excuses, just do not want to get into that game of hypocrisy and double talk.

The Lorem Ipsum is the essence of pretty useless in the service of the useful ...

Construction, Transition, contemplation and claim ... Descartes was able to construct a cyclical pattern to their method ... No turning back! Crossing the Rubicon is crossed the Rubicon!

The Rubicon has become important for history and not by its topography, its tributary flow or because, in reality this is not so great. But in Roman history was bequeathed to us as a worthy expression recalling the irretornabilidad action, beautiful remnant of a civilization that managed to impose its will factor in Europe, Africa and Asia.

"caught in adultery and held by a husband who is not legitimate, [...] She bore in her hands hard bondage, she endured the iron chains of her husband what was the violence of your pain? ... "

often difficult to navigate on the asphalt ... the personal interest is always imposed by the collective interest, the short-term view does not solve anything.

Manifest Destiny is doing a starring role, the gringos they happen to be heroes and villains ... let the people to rise up in arms alone ...

The story is told and will be always the winner!

Last edited: Saturday, December 5, 2009 Trivia

Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Chamomile Tea Benefits

Making moral holistic review performative

Making holistic performative

By: Alejandro León Fernando Avelar

Perhaps at some point all of a twist ... meanwhile, enjoy the present and the moonlight will guide our way.

The secret is to get away from the scene and mania of absolutism. Knowing a little of everything is equivalent to master anything.

natural talent should not be punished, leading to areas of generalization.

The university itself is usually very panoramic in many ways ... but the idea at the end of a course would be that the person to continue individual pursuit of knowledge. Specialization becomes particularly crucial.

Similarly the work of other skills such as learning to play an instrument or language learning are skills sets that would work from the perspective of individual development.

Indeed, one must possess a general basis for that specialization has solid foundations, but keep swimming in general does not solve anything, the expertise has to come at some point and should be, in itself, one of the goals of any educational project.

We are not far from the day that universities are obliged to include in the curriculum design each discipline, the basic notions of performative tensegrity and holistic development. ___________

Last edited: Saturday, December 5, 2009
Making holistic performative
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @

Saturday, December 19, 2009

What Does Faith Evans Wear

2ème partiel de littérature LM-2483

Université du Costa Rica
LM-2483 Histoire et Littérature II. 2ème test
partiel de littérature
Partie à faire home
Fernando León Alejandro Avelar
Partial examination of literature to "home".

Irene Nemirovsky

• Name of text: French Suite
• Page in the Anthology: 166
• Author name / e Irene Némirovsky
• Name the work from which is extracted from the text: French Suite, manuscript published in 2004 by his daughter, culminating in the Prix Renaudot.
• Date of implementation: 1942, Paris
• Idea (s) station (s) of the abstract: The author shows the most contradictory aspects of early German occupation. On the one hand, the Germans showed themselves as soldiers who help people abandoned. On the other hand, prohibitions are clear, the sound of the word "verboten" strikes the ear of the peasants who see displayed a series of prohibitions accompanied by the caption: "under pain of death." Finally, it is interesting to note that even in the case of the author, itself was sent to extermination camps (Auschwitz specifically to that) after having worn the yellow star.
• Items that have attracted your attention: First, being a woman writer (and a writer committed) which tells of abuse by soldiers reich. Second, his Polish and Jewish origin which made it subject to persecution. In another, it is interesting to note that this text was published only six decades later by his daughter. In the same way that it has won a literary award.
• Your personal opinion on the text: in general I like the historical literature is unfortunate that one can read a small excerpt, however, it would be interesting to read the complete works of Irene Nemirovsky.


• Name of text: A Season in the Congo
• Page in the Anthology: 183
• Author name / e: Aime Cesaire
• Name of the work which is extracted as follows: A Season in the Congo, Act I, Scene I
• Date of implementation: 1966
• Idea (s) station (s) of the abstract: The work seems be critical to the colonization of Africa by European countries and in some way, a criticism also for the same Africans who have accepted the settlement in exchange for some amenities.
• Items that have attracted your attention: first, the formation of character, the barkers, indeed, he is a person who tells stories and lies ... but this character could also be criticized quite valid in the context of European domination. Second, that beer is a symbol of inaction from the same African, that way the beer is the acceptance of the domination of the Belgian Congo. Finally, in a paradoxical barker trying to make a call to freedom Congolese, by evoking the beer but not beer symbol of domination, that the Polar beer, which he said will allow the brotherhood Congolese.
• Your personal opinion on the text: I should confess that I expected a longer text Description of African landscapes, a bit like Leopold Sedar Senghor. But I liked this review to European domination. In addition, little is said of the Belgian occupation in Africa, it is always the invading French and English that are referred ignoring other countries like Italy, Spain, Germany, Portugal and Belgium shared the African territory. In principle, I discovered this author inspired by Leopold Sedar Senghor and trying to deepen the concept of negritude and now it seems more interesting to study les auteurs francophones qui luttent quelque sorte contre l'on esclavage et la domination Coloniale. Je voudrais dans les textes well approfondir of cet auteur.

Last edited: Monday, November 23, 2009
partiel de littérature 2ème test LM-2483
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a
comment or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @

Friday, December 18, 2009

My Mom In Bra & Panties

Exercices à faire à la maison

Problèmes syntaxiques LM-2484 contemporary French

Fernando León Alejandro Avelar

Exercises to do at home (second part of the second part)

To make writing no later than next Friday, December 4 .

Thanks! (Office 344)

PART. Consider six (6) extracted from the following proposals (in bold) where the standard syntax rules are not followed. Make comments like: "The first line, the adverbial of Places: 'The Basement' is detached from the main clause could be: "... I am rolling down the stairs, I reach the basement" In the same line: "Quick, hide me" implies following proposal: "I decided to quickly hide."
(The heroine works in a fast-food)

... I descends the stairs. The basement. Quick, hide me. I open a door. A cloud icy stares me in the throat. Damn. Fridges. I opened another. A steam foul jumps me in my face. The trash compactor! With a rumbling heavy, regular, it is trying to crush containers and cups.

I feel like a waste. Su I stay a minute longer, I'll be too crushed, torn, chopped by this infernal machine. Flee. Flee. It's the only way out. Exit. It says there. I push a heavy black door. Parking. Immense. Empty. Cold. Without music. Without fries. I breathe. It smells like exhaust. Escape. My outfit, by the way! She remained in the closet B32! I push the door to go get her. Impossible. The door is locked. Across a fluorescent strip shows "fire door. Maintain closed ".

I run. I am. I leave the parking lot like a rat hole. The air, sky, sun me dizzy. Provided that no see me. Boulevard Blanqui. Rue des Lilas. Avenue de Mai.
I fly. People look at me go like crazy. I'm mad. But how will I go home? My key! In B32, too! Here, a bicycle in the courtyard. Dolores! Dolores made the tiles ...

Grandma is there?
-No! It is not often there mama!
Dear Dolores! For a while, I throw myself on his neck!
-Ma you are diguise carnival? It is not cezourd'hui Carnival!
No, no ... Dolores is just a joke ... Una joked
... Not a word, hush, mum's the word, tell Madame Girardon nada, OK?

Analysis (1)
Damn. Fridges. I opened another.

First, the repulsion is manifested by an interjection, a method of oral register. Then we established a topic that does not work, it only mentions 'fridges' and that's all. To finally make reference the lexical field of 'open another' that reference the preceding one door '.

flee. Flee.
In this case, communication between the writer and the reader is much neglected since the use of two infinitives makes the action more square and less clear, one might assume that this process may be a way to make more mechanical and monotonous thought of the young protagonist ... however, we arrive at the same goal with repetition, without neglecting the language such as "I must run away (x2)

emergency exit. It says there
First, 'Emergency Exit' can be interpreted as if the girl was reading a sign or signal something similar, it could be his thought ... to the extent she wanted out of that place. Second, consider the states' brand is there is a way of connecting ideas that gives the text incomplete, perhaps like a monologue. In any case, if one understands the idea is because in all the reader becomes complicit in the situation and the protagonist so that equates orality.

parking. Immense. Empty. Cold. Without music. Without fries.
The first remark we can see in this sequel is the absence of actions, in fact, there are several subjects' cut 'with a dot'. " Examples: 'parking'. Adjectives like 'empty', 'cold' and 'huge' or adverbial like 'free music' and 'no fries'. Overall we understand the situation, but since it is in a given context.

Impossible. The door is locked
The first part reports an oral form of the result being written by "That was not true" or similar terminology. The noteworthy aspect here is the economy of language when trying to recreate the spoken word. The second part is not a problem.

... Not a word, hush, mum's the word, say nada to Madame Girardon
In this line, the girl uses language cut to speak with the maid (which, we infer is Hispanic origin) ... this line is really a mismatch in the understanding that a person who does not master a certain language will fail to do so if he speaks through onomatopoeia and mixing the languages, perhaps the writer wanted to give a comic situation, but

PART TWO: lift this part of the vernacular or familiar in these extracts of letters. You can either, make comments, either, or translate to either "correct" in standard French.

Sick of this life bullshit increases with that money. Sick of this life and appearance of superficiality reigns supreme absolute. Sick of this life which they would later work day and night because it will be the norms of capitalism, and this for a pittance. Tired of this foutage mouth of television and radio broadcasts with their advertising and rotten. Tired of teachers who give lots of work and that does not understand their lessons.

version given in French neat

I'm sick of this life where the stupidity of people is increasing and there also increases people's concerns with regard to money. I'm sick of this life and appearance of superficiality reigns supreme absolute. I'm sick of this life where one day we will work more and more, all day and at night, since these are the norms of capitalism. All this for a miserable salary and ridiculous. I'm tired of all the information we receive no interest from television and radio. I'm sick of all the publicity and emissions without any content. I'm tired of teachers who leave a lot of homework and in the end we finished for not understanding their lessons.


I do not support prejudice can, like, "He, he is prepared scientific, it must not be an interesting guy." I'm 18, and in recent weeks, I'm studying math sup. Many of my acquaintances have found a good laugh about. But it is not because I love math I'm a little nerd with thick glasses and I'm a fan of Pythagoras. That said, with my buddies, I set the record straight and they are still my friends. We will not be angry for so little.

version available in French treated

I can not stand the false prejudices concerning style: "He is a student of preparatory classes in science, so it should not be a interesting type" Me, I'm 18 and since a few weeks I am a student of higher mathematics. It must be said that many of my acquaintances have found that subject an ideal place to joke. In this way because I like math I became a sort of intellectual ¡thick glasses and a fanatic of Pythagoras. All this was said in conversations with friends, I told them things as they are, mais ils restent toujours mes amis, on ne va pas pour une affaire is Fächer sans importance comme celle-ci.

Last edited: Monday, August 3, 2009
Exercices à faire à la maison LM-2484
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Taurus Airsoft 24/7 Canada

LM-2484 How to concentrate when studying?

focus How to study?

study habits "learned" in a simple manner, with the so-called stimulus control. " There is no doubt that the kitchen and dining "stimulate" our behaviors to eat. The bed or the couch, put into action mechanisms for sleep. Likewise, a stimulating environment leads us to study.

For this, we must make a specific place to study and learn. An area that stimulates us. There are simple instructions:

1. Always study in the same place: quiet, quiet, well lit, pleasant.
2. When studying, you must give full attention to that activity.
3. It is advisable to rest and reward yourself regularly.

By submitting a review

CORRECT Studying in advance

not plan other activities on the day of the test materials
Ready to occupy in advance (exam booklet, calculator, tables or other)
to arrive a few minutes before
psych test of success, take a deep breath Pay attention and relax

Read the instructions carefully before starting the test questions
Work alone without seeing the review of the couple
Distribute test time
first answer is known
Submit responses so Maintain clear and orderly
concentration during the test
working with computers and ensure the provision Check before submitting

Not stopping to compare responses at the end of the test

Study on short notice to plan other activities
test test day
materials Not ready to occupy in advance (book review calculator, tables or other) or without them
arrive late for the test to be nervous or stressed

not pay attention to the instructions
not carefully read the test before starting

No doubt Being evacuated pending consideration of the pair
not to distribute the test time
distracted during the test Stay
Delete, delete, make illegible
Stay después de la prueba para comparar respuestas

Última edición: lunes 03 de agosto del 2009
¿Cómo concentrarse al estudiar?
Fernando Alejandro León Avelar
Cualquier consulta, sírvase dejar un comentario
o contácteme a:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Spore Game Needs Internet Access

Does university education should be rote? Français d'Acadie

¿La enseñanza universitaria debe ser memorística?

Por: Fernando Alejandro León Avelar

One day, I had the opportunity to listen to a student who said that to graduate from the French race had to have a huge memory.

In the first instance will be to understand the humor of the scene, then more properly define what is meant by higher education and eventually shed light on who is more than the latter.

First, try to give free space to good sense and reason, principles inevitable for all men and all civilizations, in order to analyze the educational crisis of the contemporary university teaching.

Indeed, it is to achieve the maximum prevailing spirit, the great souls that construction of human knowledge, we were left a legacy as the vestige of a civilization that knew how to develop critical thought and creative imagination.

is important to note that the following remarks are intended to be general and performative. So it would be necessary to further study and careful to point out the conditions of each specific area of academic research.

However, it is contradictory that even in the most conservative and traditional areas of academia, as is the case of letters and specifically-language teaching there is a general tendency to refute the perfection of the spirit, this tendency becomes clear when considering a storage unreasonable, contrary to every principle of science and all true continuous search of knowledge and understanding the world.

Second, recognize that memorization is contrary to irrational thinking, the best spirit and the desire to know to successfully reach the right result. This paradigm is often linked to ignorance and inability to deal effectively with some knowledge, to build a critical society should be take the liberty to judge and allow the fixing of concepts is the result of the recurrence and affirmation, not of the mechanical and monotonous repetition aloud of knowledge that will eventually forgotten.

add that in the case of languages, these are necessary for the understanding of ancient books (ie, an approach to the sages of yore and their works), while they contribute to building the good sense, but eloquence is obtained as a result of continued study and careful reading, not of the agglutination rote repetition and abrupt names and dates without any understanding. Similarly, no learning are transmitted by telepathy, a concept must be secured through practice and use, this is how you get to the mastery of a language. Spread

reading because this enables the dialogue with the great minds of yesteryear, then let the absurd repetition of data and concepts without any thematic thread for the cockatoos, parrots and parakeets with the spirits who cling consistently mediocre paradoxical model, outdated and no real application.

Finally, do not forget that it is imagination that makes things worth reading, if educators are unable to promote search good spirit among its students, or if teachers are not skilled at awakening the imagination, even the highest human virtues seem unworthy of cultivation.

For the wise builder, buildings that only an architect custom developed and eventually tend to be ever more beautiful and more orderly, then let the architect of the reason he developed his expertise and does not consent to the meanness of spirit fools and fools transform a reflective and quality education in a stupefying education, mediocre and memorization.

Last edited: Wednesday November 18, 2009
Does university education should be rote?
Fernando Avelar Alejandro León
Any questions, please leave a comment
or contact me at: fernando.leonavelar @