Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Tie A Double Hoop Belt


The carnival FORMERLY
When I was a child, the carnival began on Jan. 22, the feast of St. Vincent, and he went to the Tuesday of Carnival. We did all the monkey business that we were allowed to the children of our age, but the carnival, almost everything we were allowed and tolerated, with the complicity of adults.
At the time there was little, the media were scarce. But we had fun with us and those that had with the on-board facilities. As we had no

'confetti', with which we used sharps 'enfarelávamos' colleagues from the school or the girls, when atingíamos a certain age. Another
of our favorite games: take half a lemon, rub it on a black pot (at the time, there were many, because the food was prepared over the fireplace) before rubbing his face again girls (or boys ). Our favorite pastime
was the 'mug' - the game was to throw old cups, bits of broken crockery, "Test", and even hot rocks into houses through windows, shutters or any entrance that was open and all this with to irritate people (almost all ports have shutters at the time that people left open in order to have fresh air at home). And the next day everyone and no one would "remember" anything. Also we used very
the scarecrows, made roughly, but with the help of the dark night, causing fear to people who were very superstitious then.


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